Pearson Addison-Wesley Publishing International Economics by Husted and Melvin, 7th Edition
The cover image represents a butterfly to symbolize the butterfly effect of international economics — how a purchase (or non-purchase) in the US can effect the Chinese economy. The type of the title continues the illustration of the money-butterfly.
North Shore Community College 2016 President’s Report: North Shore Advancing
The bi-annual publication was based on the theme of their North Shore Advancing funding campaign for their Lynn Campus building expansion, which included the spiraling dots logo.
The publication served to excite donors of their contribution by showing how their donations help the students.
In the background of the cover, the spiraling logo is printed as a clear foil stamp. Inside, photos are marked with colored circles with their captions on the side of the page.
North Shore Community College 2020 President’s Report: Inspire to Aspire
2020 was a year of unprecedented events: The murder of George Floyd and the racial justice movement of Black Lives Matter that followed; a contentious Presidential election that ended with an attemped coup of the US Capitol all amongst COVID-19. I wanted to create a calming and more muted toned publication. All photos were made into duotones of the red and blue school colors. Sections were color coded with screened school colors in their background. The stock was entirely uncoated.
North Shore Community College Areas of Study rack cards
Twenty two areas of study rack cards were designed destinguished by color and a small icon. They were designed to be placed in a large card rack where the name of the program would peak above the holder.
Self Published Book Let’s Get to Know Playgrounds of the North Shore
A guidebook of all the 151 playgrounds on the North Shore of Massachusetts. All images, illustrations, icons, and maps created by myself.
NOTE: The last book was produced in 2010 using a 3 megapixel digital camera with no panorama feature. After photos were manually stitched together in Photoshop, each photo had to be methodically masked using the pen tool to make the black and white playgrounds stand out from their backgrounds. The cover image demonstrates how every pole, ladder and rope was masked to allow the layers of different backgrounds to come through.
Combray House Publishing Indirection: On Becoming a Better Musician and Trumpet Player as a Conceptual Process, by Charles Schlueter
Charles Schlueter is a renowned trumpeter who was lead chair at the Minnesota Orchestra and at the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Indirection explores the theory of learning the trumpet conceptually rather than just technically. The “mosaic” figure on the cover (illustrated by Martha Schlueter) is only partially tiled to show the learning process.
The side purple and gold patterns on the cover are part of a traditional Japanese hanging scroll, the ichimonji, used to contain the caligraphy or work on the scroll. In this case, the book. The use of a traditional Japanese piece is to connote the Eastern philosophy behind the indirection process.
The title INDIRECTION is partially obscured to emphasize the use of the unconscious to be able to construct the title.
North Shore Community College PDF version of Strategic Plan
Initially designed for print, it was decided in the end to turn the content into web pages, but with a PDF version to download if desired.
Using a non-traditional grid of differently width columns and headlines individually created by the merging of the institution’s serif and san-serif Frutiger Neue fonts, the design was focused on the strategic plan’s first priority to be a forward thinking institution as well as the community college’s non-traditional students.
Minnesota Public Radio Keepers Christmas CD packaging
YES, a CD. The Keepers CD Series (“Keepers” is a fishing term for a good catch) was a collection of music selected by the Minnesota Public Radio music personalities. Bobbers replace ornaments in an old fashion ornament package.