North Shore Community College
Juneteenth Flag raising
To celebrate the first time North Shore Community College was going to raise the Juneteenth flag, this graphic was made for an enewsletter and the web site.
Beginning with a white background with chains (the past history), a power fist comes forward to break the chains. June 19th appears and the 19th is replaced with TEENTH, depicting the etymology of JUNETEENTH. The dark background is replaced with a vast bright blue sky, another visual nod to the symbolism of the flag.

North Shore Community College
Equality & Equity Project logo
The Equality & Equity Project was a subgroup of the Equality and Inclusion comittee. The project’s objective was to educate through the use of examples in history, words, and videos. This animation emphasizes that EQUITY is a part of EQUALITY.

North Shore Community College
Corporate Training Solution email header
Non-credit program for corporate clients. Cannoting financial and news feeds to emphasize relevance.

North Shore Community College
Forum On Tolerance: Thinking Outside the Gender Box
The bi-colored “Gender Box“ spins to morph into a rainbow sphere. The transgender flag drops down as the the title comes orbitting from the back. Although the gender box returns with a vengence, it only emphasizes the title of the forum, “Thinking Outside The Gender Box.”

North Shore Community College
Forum on Tolerance: Black Lives Matter Part 2
This is a simpler and smaller size file version for this event that was made for emails. The shaking type connoting the protests around social justice for Black lives. As the graphic continues, the type stabilizes and makes clear it’s meaning.
Other versions of this motion graphic can be seen in the POSTER section.

North Shore Community College
Women and War lecture
Used for emails.

(LS)2 lecture series
Pink and blue? Sleeping Beauty in Popular Culture.
Used for emails. The lecture questioned whether Sleeping Beauty was an animation break through, or a reinforcement of gender roles in a cisgender society.